XYZ offers Franchise cum affiliation to open free computer education centre in India.
Our Suggestion to avoid/refrain XYZ offers Franchise cum affiliation to open free computer education centre in India.
Why are you running after free computer affiliation or franchise?
Note some points before getting computer education affiliation | computer education center franchise as below:-
We suggest you before selecting any franchisee organization try to know recognition or certification of computer education franchise organization. Any computer education franchise organization that is providing franchisee opportunity in the field of computer education all over India must have territorial jurisdiction permission/approval to run computer center franchise all over India & must be certified under parliament Act by Centre Govt. Ministry or department.
While searching for computer franchise you have noticed that many organizations are registered under Society Act or Trust Act under state government of New Delhi, and their territorial jurisdiction is valid for new Delhi state only & not applicable to all over India, because they are not registered by Central Govt. of India, they are registered by state govt of New Delhi. Such organizations have no right to give affiliation outside New Delhi. Such organization writes following words- Registered by “NCT, New Delhi, Govt. of India”. People are deceived by such type of wording & think that it is registered by govt of India. But the truth is different. The meaning of “NCT” is “NATIONAL CAPITAL TERRITORY”. In other words, capital of India. For More Clarification there are two govt. in New Delhi One is State Govt of New Delhi & Second is Central Govt of India.
However, State govt. of New Delhi can allow any society to work all over India by adding “ALL INDIA” words before the name of Society. But few societies are making fool to its franchisee by adding “ALL INDIA” words before its Name, We suggest you before entering into franchisee agreement check registration Certificate of such society & verify that “ALL INDIA” word is mentioned on its certificate of registration or not.
In simple wording, Any Society or Trust that is registered under State Government can operate its works only in its state territory only. So, If you are dealing for computer Franchisee from any part of India then avoid franchisee of such type of organizations. We recommend you to take franchisee of Centre Government Ministry or Department Registered & Certified Organization.
Some franchisee Organizations advertise that they are ISO 9001:2008 Certified Organizations & certified to issue computer certificate & diploma to student, but all are lie. Because ISO certification is given for quality management work of Organization not for issuance of computer certificate & diploma .
free computer affiliation, free computer center affiliation, free computer education affiliation, free computer center franchise.