An affordable web design degree program may be in high demand, but if you have a flair for creativity and an eye for design, a career in Web design may be the perfect choice for you. In today’s era of rising tuition costs and widespread undergraduate unemployment, however, you need a quality education at an affordable price. In addition to offering tremendous flexibility, the online distance learning programs on this list are the most affordable options for today’s aspiring Web designers.
Featured Accredited Schools
Although affordability was a top consideration, all of the reputable online degree programs on this list are also regionally accredited, offer a variety of programs and courses, provide top-notch instruction, and rank highly in student satisfaction. Let’s take a closer look at these schools to see which affordable online Web design program fits your needs the best.
Baker College
It’s more than conceivable that a list about the most affordable online Web design degree programs would have the school with the lowest tuition sitting at the top spot. When the quality instruction and full range of online features is taken into consideration as well, there is little doubt that Baker College deserves to be perched above the others at the top of the list. Baker College enjoys regional accreditation by The Higher Learning Commission as part of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Students seeking an online Bachelor’s degree in Web Development have the ability to log in and participate in discussions as well read current and past lectures through the education site’s archive. For all of this, Baker College only charges $39, 690 for the 189 credit hours required for the degree, which makes it the most affordable Web design degree on the list.