The Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology will cover all aspects of Computer Science, Engineering and Technology. The scope of the work would be structured using the ACM Computing Classification System (CCS). The Encyclopedia is intended to be a resource for academic, corporate, and government libraries. It is hoped the book would be widely adopted for the reading list for undergraduate and graduate Computer Science related programs. Computing professionals, electrical and other engineers, information and technology managers, software professionals, and other technology professionals will also find the Encyclopedia a valuable resource.
Available Both in Print and Online
The content will be published online (subscription required). Entries are added on a quarterly basis, building the breadth and depth of coverage.
Call for Papers
We are looking for broad encyclopedic reviews that:
- describe and explain the concepts, technologies and theories involved;
- justify their importance to the academic community and to society in general;
- review the evidence and basis behind the theories, including the latest research;
- provide a description of practical real-world experiences and/or case studies;
- offer a helpful summary, in particular noting future trends and potential applications; and
- provide references and additional reading relevant to the topic.