Amazing Fun Educational Games To Learn Colors, Shapes, Numbers, Letters, Time, Sorting and Much More!
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▶16 Different Educational Games Teach Children About Time, Matching, Sorting, Organizing, Shape Recognition, Puzzles, Colors, Numbers, Letters, Memory and More! (7 Free + 9 In-App Purchases)
▶Two Adorable Animated 3D Characters Guides Children in Their Learning Process!
▶User Friendly Setting Page Lets Parents Customize By Turning Each Game On or Off!
▶Two Different Skill Levels, Easy (2-3 Yr Old), Normal (3-5 Yr Old)!
▶3D HD Colorful Graphics!
▶Amazing Music, Voice Over And Sound Effects!
▶Innovative Reward System and Surprise Egg!
▶Unlimited Play, The Fun Never Ends!
▶▶Kids Would Learn:
Laundry Basket- Put All The Dirty Clothes in The Laundry Basket!
Clothes Sorting- Sort All The Clothes By Color And Put Them in Separate Baskets! (In-App Purchases)
Alphabet Memory With Sound- Match the alphabet letters and learn their sound.
Match Numbers- Match the two parts of puzzles to learn numbers from 0 to 9. (In-App Purchases)
Safe Box- Rotate the dial to set on the wanted number to unlock a safe.(In-App Purchases)
Tell The Time - Learn how to tell the time by most innovative time learning system.
Clock Puzzle - Build a clock and learn the time.(In-App Purchases)
Shape Puzzle - Build a wood puzzle and learn geometric shapes and their names.(In-App Purchases)
Shape Builder -Build geometric shapes with their slices.(In-App Purchases)
Xylophone Puzzle- Wood xylophone puzzle with sounds. kids would also learn about sounds, music notes.
Train builder - Wood puzzle, make a train.
Robot builder - Wood puzzle, make 3 robots.(In-App Purchases)
Color Pattern - Build a color puzzle based on a random pattern.(In-App Purchases)
Hang Clothes - Hang same color clothes on the same color hanger.
Matching shorts and shapes - Match similar design shorts and shirts.(In-App Purchases)
Pair flip flops – Match colorful pair of flip-flops.
Preschool EduPaint
Preschool EduKitchen
Preschool EduKitty
EduKitty ABC
What's New in Version 3.9
A great variety
by IbookshelfMy daughter (2 1/2 yrs old) loves this ap. Purchased full version when I realized how much she requested it. It teaches a variety of things while it all being a game. You can pick and choose which games to allow your kid to play and choose the level. (Easy 2-3 years, harder 3-5 years old). The only thing I would request is to allow the tiles on the matching game to stay viewable for just a second or two longer. Would recommend.
Well worth the buy!
by imagesntimeWhether you get the free or purchase the full version it is well worth it. I have a 3 year old grandson who LOVES this game. Lots of activities, lots of fun. We kept the free one for a year, then finally decided to purchase it, he has had so much enjoyment out of it. It can be a little frustrating with the free app because they want to continue playing, so it does help to just purchase the full access.
No way of independent play
by Iceprincess381972It says independent but something has to pop up every time you finish a game. Two and three year olds will touch the adds cause they look cool. So no it isn't for preschoolers independently. It would be an awesome app if not for that. I understand the need for sales income but children are not able to buy they just screw up the tablets when there are adds so I don't understand why you can't only advertise to adults in adult apps.